Here at Honor Oak we specialise in Dentures and we have our own resident Technician.
Have you ever been to the dentist to have new dentures made and they don't fit properly? You find yourself going backwards and forwards to appointments. The dentures being returned to the laboratory for alteration. Here we have the Technician working alongside the Dentist at your appointment and any alterations can be done by the Technician whilst you are in the chair.
Here at Honor Oak we want to make your experience of having new dentures run quickly and smoothly, with as few trips to us as possible.
Denture Repairs & Additions
Most denture repairs & additions can be done within one hour so you can be sure that you get them back the same day.
Dentures are removable teeth,and not everyone realises that they can be used to replace single teeth as well as many. Dentures can be made of Acrylic, Metal or Flexi-Denture material.
Acrylic Dentures are the most economical way to replace missing teeth and are very easy to add to. E.g. if you have one or several gaps and think that the remaining teeth may also be lost in time then an acrylic denture is one way to have the flexibility of adding teeth without breaking the bank. Acrylic dentures can look very natural; they can be used for replacing one, few or all of your teeth. They can be made very quickly in an emergency(48 hours) or the regular processing time, which is 2 weeks.
Cobalt Chrome Dentures are much slimmer than acrylic ones, they stay in position better and are much more secure. They are easier to eat with as they move about less. These are usually made within three weeks.
Flexi-Dentures or Valplast as they are also known are a fairly new product. They are very similar to acrylic dentures with one important difference, they are very thin. Because they are flexible they can work to replace a small number of teeth. They look and feel very much like acrylic dentures, but because they are flexible this allows them to pop into place where there are only a few teeth missing, They are not suitable for full dentures. They are very easy to fit and because they are so thin patients barely know they are in the mouth.